Round 9: Bangkok-Go

To:  Lena

From:  Tobias

Well, kid, off in a taxi and you’re finally there.

I worked so hard to give you and Katherina everything I could to get you there, and now you’re in college.  I hope you’re having a great time and studying here and there.  Ha.

Your sis-in-law, Tosha, gave birth to another girl, Lark.

Man this parenting thing is harder than I thought.

And I’m not even the one giving birth!

We probably had them too close together, but we both agree that the excitement of seeing what risky throws at us is part of the thrill of life.  We did get a butler after Lark was born so that Tosha could go back to work, but neither of us has been able to move up, spending our time eating, showering, working, and sleeping, when we’re not feeding babies and bathing babies and potty training babies.

You’ll be home soon and I wonder if you’ll take on the challenge of parenthood yourself.  It’s not all bad, please don’t get the wrong idea.  I adore my two little princesses and life would be hollow without them.  Just know that having kids will change your life.

Okay, so the birthdays!  First baby Lark turned into a toddler.

As cute as can be.

Then little Wren had her school-age birthday.

Adorable, of course.

Big sister Wren has been so good with Lark, always playing together.  It’s so sweet.  I think she was just waiting for Lark to be old enough to be friends with her.

And they were born so close together that she didn’t have to wait long.  Lark had her school-age birthday.

It’s wonderful to think of Lark and Wren having each other to play with, like you and Katherina did.  That is a great benefit of having kiddos close together.

Well, can’t wait to see you, kid.  Let me know if you need anything.

Big Bro,


To:  Lena

From:  Tosha

I guess Tobias told you everything that’s going on here, but I just wanted to say that I look forward to knowing you better.  I was so busy with baby Wren when you were here that we didn’t get a chance to do much, but I’m hoping when you return we can become friends.

You’ll just love your two nieces.  They’re both so adorable, interesting, and fun.  I hope you and they can build your own relationships.

Well, guess that’s it.  Hope you’ve had a great time at school and I look forward to throwing you a party when you get home.  If you need to, you can stay here when you get back until you get your own life going.  We’ve got that extra room upstairs now and we can do some shifting around.



To:  Lena

From:  Wren

Hi Lena I don’t member you much but mom sed you’re fun.  Right now I get to sleep in your big bed upstairs but we’re getting littler ones so lark and me can fit in the room.  I will see you later.


PS Lark cant write yet.

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